
COVID-19 News

Dec 02, 2024
There have been a lot of changes happening recently due to COVID-19. We wanted to provide you with some updates regarding the current pandemic..

There have been a lot of changes happening recently due to COVID-19. We wanted to provide you with some updates regarding the current pandemic: 

  • In LA County, testing is now available for all who are experiencing symptoms. You can schedule an appointment to get tested by visiting https://covid19.lacounty.gov/
  • The “Safe at Home” order has been extended to May 15th. All beaches, beach facilities, and beach accessways will remain closed until further notice. 
  • Everyone is now required to wear a mask or face covering when they are out in public, when in contact with others, or when at a facility (e.g., going out for groceries). Businesses can refuse to provide service if you are not wearing a mask or face covering
  • There is a nurse advice hotline for medical advice and questions regarding COVID-19. They are open from 7am to 7pm, 7 days per week. You can call at 844-804-0055
  • There is more antibody testing being done to determine how many have been infected by COVID-19. While this test is not used to diagnose, it can help to determine how sick people can get from the virus. 

Always remember to continue practicing social distancing, taking the necessary precautions when out in public, and to continue washing your hands. Staff from the Arora Pain Clinic wish you all a happy, healthy, and safe week!