
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Board Certified Pain Management Anesthesiologist located in Torrance, CA

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

About Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

If ongoing neck, back, or joint pain becomes problematic or disabling, groundbreaking platelet-rich plasma (PR) at Arora Pain Clinic in Torrance, California, can help. Board-certified pain management specialist Ripu Arora, MD, MBA, offers this service to speed up cell regeneration and natural healing. Schedule a PRP evaluation with Dr. Arora by calling the South Bay office or requesting an appointment online today. 

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Q&A

What is platelet-rich plasma (PRP)?

Platelet-rich plasma, or PRP, injections at Arora Pain Clinic use parts of your blood to try and boost new cell growth, accelerate healing, and ease ongoing pain. The platelets in your blood responsible for clotting also enhance healing due to the presence of growth factors that form new cells. This revolutionary therapy is a holistic way to feel better faster without invasive procedures. 

What are the benefits of PRP injections?

The advantages you could expect when choosing PRP at Arora Pain Clinic include:

  • Reduced neck and back pain
  • Less arthritis and joint discomfort
  • Faster healing of ligament, tendon, joint, and muscle injuries
  • Improved mobility
  • Enhanced post-surgical healing
  • Reduced inflammation 
  • Minimal to no downtime
  • Long-lasting results

PRP injections may help you avoid the need for addictive or strong medicines or surgery to alleviate ongoing discomfort.

Are platelet-rich plasma injections right for me?

Dr. Arora completes a physical exam to look for signs of injuries and the source of ongoing pain. He discusses your medical history, symptoms, lifestyle, and treatment preferences. He may suggest PRP if traditional pain-relieving treatments haven’t worked.

What should I expect during PRP treatment?

Follow Dr. Arora’s instructions to prepare for PRP injections. He may ask you to stop taking certain medications and make arrangements for a family member or friend to drive you home after the procedure. 

The first step of receiving PRP injections is taking a sample of your blood. Your provider uses a centrifuge to extract platelet-rich plasma from the rest of the blood sample. Under ultrasound guidance for optimal precision and accuracy, Dr. Arora injects PRP into injured or painful tissues. The procedure often lasts about 45 minutes and you can head home soon afterward.

What happens after PRP pain management injections?

During the days and weeks following PRP injections for pain management, you should expect gradual healing and less discomfort.

After the procedure, it’s common to experience some soreness or aching for a few days. Ice the treatment area if necessary to maximize comfort. Avoid strenuous activity or lifting for several days, and call the Arora Pain Clinic office at any time with questions. 

Many patients experience successful results after just one treatment. However, Dr. Arora offers a series of multiple injections spaced several weeks apart or as needed for optimal relief. 

Schedule an evaluation at Arora Pain Clinic by phone or online today to determine if you’re a candidate for platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treatment.